======================== Testing the robot motion ======================== Make sure to test in order, since there are dependencies between some things. Test Motion in Visualization ---------------------------- #. Test Kick: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_dynamic_kick viz.launch ros2 run bitbots_dynamic_kick dummy_client.py The visualization should do a kick. It is normal, that the robot starts in init and not walkready. #. Test Animation: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_animation_server viz.launch ros2 run bitbots_animation_server run_animation.py cheering #. Test Dynup: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_dynup viz.launch ros2 run bitbots_dynup dummy_client.py front # (or back) The visualization should show the robot doing the standup animation and the dynup. #. Test Walk: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_quintic_walk viz.launch ros2 launch bitbots_quintic_walk viz_walk.launch ros2 run bitbots_teleop teleop_keyboard.py You should be able to make the robot walk in RViz using the keyboard. Test Motion on Robot -------------------- Make sure, that you tested the hardware and lowlevel software first. Easiest way to do both, is to use the following script: .. code-block:: bash ros2 run bitbots_bringup check_robot.py Alternativly, you can do it manually by following the following steps. #. Test Kick on Robot: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_dynamic_kick test.launch ros2 run bitbots_dynamic_kick dummy_client.py #. Test Animation on Robot: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_animation_server test.launch ros2 run bitbots_animation_server run_animation.py cheering #. Test Record UI: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_bringup motion_standalone.launch #. Start RQT ``record ui``. #. Load and play some animations. #. Test other functions. #. Test Dynup on Robot: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_dynup test.launch ros2 run bitbots_dynup dummy_client.py #. Test Walk on Robot: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_quintic_walk test.launch ros2 run bitbots_teleop teleop_keyboard.py Let the robot move around in all directions and also combinations. #. Test Falling: .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch bitbots_bringup motion_standalone.launch Move the robot, as if it is falling, it should do a falling animation.