Hardware Checklist (Pre-Competition) ==================================== When Powered Off ---------------- * Check cables for insulation damage * Inspect cable ties and cable management * Check cables are correctly in their crimps * Inspect connectors and renew hot glue if necessary * Check 3D printed parts for cracks * Move motors and check for gear damage or stiffness (e.g. overly long screws in joints) * Inspect cleats are fully screwed in * Check screws (including those that are hard to access, like under the springs) and replace any missing ones * Inspect for head wobbling * Check camera cables for hard bends * Check if shoulders are bent * Inspect NUC power connectors Before Powering On ------------------ * Ensure arms and legs are in the correct configuration (team markers outside, cables loose not coiled) After Powering On ----------------- * Verify ROS control torqueless and check robot model in RViz Run: ``rl bitbots_ros_control ros_control_standalone.launch torqueless_mode:=true`` and ``rl bitbots_ros_control viz_servos.launch`` * Connect hands to legs while watching the robot mode in RViz Run the same commands as above. * Check for motor communication issues during startup and afterwards in the terminal * Run T-pose script Run: ``rl bitbots_ros_control ros_control_standalone.launch`` and ``rr bitbots_ros_control pose_check.py`` * Test teleop walking Run: ``rl bitbots_bringup motion_standalone.launch`` and ``rr bitbots_teleop teleop_keyboard.py`` * Test getting up Run: ``rl bitbots_bringup motion_standalone.launch`` * Verify robot-specific walking parameters * Perform extrinsic calibration Do the steps as described in `this documentation `_. * Check camera images for focus and proper transmission (10 Hz, low jitter) Run: ``rl bitbots_bringup vision_standalone.launch`` and ``ros2 topic hz /camera/image_proc`` and in ``rqt`` open the image view plugin.