Welcome to |project|'s documentation! ================================================ This package allows to make calls to the MoveIt IK and FK from Python. Here is an example code snippet for using the IK: .. code-block:: Python from bitbots_moveit_bindings import get_position_ik from moveit_msgs.srv import GetPositionIKRequest, GetPositionIKResponse from tf_transformations import quaternion_from_euler # create request request = GetPositionIKRequest() # configure request request.ik_request.timeout = rospy.Time.from_seconds(0.01) request.ik_request.attempts = 1 request.ik_request.avoid_collisions = False # specify the goal request.ik_request.group_name = "LeftLeg" request.ik_request.ik_link_name = "l_sole" request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position = Point(0,0,-0.35) x, y, z, w = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0) request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation = Quaternion(x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w) # call the IK ik_result = get_position_ik(request, approximate=False) # you get the results as a joint state message results_as_joint_state_msg = ik_result.solution.joint_state