Configuration of competition Wi-Fi ================================== At a competition, there will be different WiFi networks for each field. These can be setup with our ansible playbook for the robots. This is done by editing the `group_vars/robots.yml `_ config variables e.g.: .. code-block:: yaml # To configure competition wifi uncomment the lines below # configure team_number, connection_name (SSID), connection_password, ip/gateway # and run ansible-playbook ./playbooks/setup_robots.yml --tags competition_wifi --skip-tags git_crypt. team_number: 6 network_configure_competition_wifi: true network_competition_wifi_connections: - connection_name: competition_field_a_ssid connection_password: RoboCup2023 ip: "192.168.0.{{ team_number }}{{ player_number }}" gateway: - connection_name: competition_field_b_ssid connection_password: RoboCup2023 ip: "192.168.0.{{ team_number }}{{ player_number }}" gateway: Then run ``ansible-playbook ./playbooks/setup_robots.yml --tags competition_wifi --skip-tags git_crypt`` to apply this configuration.